Migrating from a proprietary cloud
At it's core, the pub.solar cloud is an attempt to create a set of services that allow you to move your data away from Google, Facebook, Apple, or other proprietary providers. This page provides an overview of how you can change your software and habits to adapt to pub.solar.
File storage
Proprietary examples include Google Drive, iCloud, and Dropbox.
We use Nextcloud to do file hosting and synchronization. Clients exist for multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux. The web interface can be found at cloud.pub.solar.
This service works like most others; you install a local client, sign in with your pub.solar ID, and designate a directory on your device to be synced with the server.
Logging in to clients
When logging in to clients, the server address is `https://cloud.pub.solar/`.
Automatic uploads of photos from mobile devices
This can be achieved with the Nextcloud app. After installing and logging in, go into the app settings -> Auto upload. Here you'll find folders on your device you can automatically upload. This has been tested on Android.
Contacts & Calendar
Proprietary examples include Google Contacts, Google Calendar, and iCloud.
We use the contacts app in Nextcloud. The web interface for contacts can be found at cloud.pub.solar/apps/contacts, for the calendar at cloud.pub.solar/apps/calendar.
Synchronizing to devices
In the Nextcloud app, go to app settings -> Sync calendar & contacts. This will install the app DAVx5 for you, and start the login process there. After logging in, select the calendars you'd like to synchronize.
Proprietary examples include Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, and Telegram.
For chatting, we host Matrix. Clients exist for multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux. The web interface can be found at chat.pub.solar.
Homeserver address for clients
When logging in to clients, you'll have to provide your homeserver address. This is `matrix.pub.solar`, *not* `chat.pub.solar`.